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PHONE: 435-878-2236

School Neighborhood Access Plan

Our mission is to establish the safest routes to and from Enterprise Elementary for our students.


Enterprise Elementary – 216 South 100 East, Enterprise, Utah

Established School Zones:

100 East – in front of school

200 South – Culdesac to west of school

School Routes With No Sidewalk

All access routes coming to school have limited access to sidewalks. We strongly recommend parents walk to school with their child in order to establish the safest route to/from their place of residence.

School Bus & Private Vehicle Loading Zones:

School buses currently enter the school off 100 East on the east side of the building into the bus drop off zone designated for buses only. The parking lot is located to the east of the building. Vehicle traffic through the parking lot is designed as being one-way with pick-up/drop off zones clearly marked. An alternate drop off/pick up location is the cul-de-sac located directly west of the school at 200 South. Students have been taught safety procedures and the importance of using crosswalks. Safety rules include students not entering the parking lot or using crosswalks during high traffic level periods without an adult escort.

Hazards and Areas of Concern:

Lack of sidewalks and crosswalks

Access Routes for Walking:

On any routes without sidewalks, students should face oncoming traffic.

Safe Pedestrian Recommendations are:

1. Walk with others when possible.

2. Always walk on sidewalks where they are available.

3. Walk on the left edge of the road facing oncoming

traffic when sidewalks are not available.

4. Cross streets only at designated crosswalks where they exist.

5. Always look both ways before crossing to ensure that there is a safe crossing distance. Look left, then right, then left again.

6. Never cross the street from between parked cars, because drivers cannot see you.

Safe Parking Lot and Student Pickup Recommendations are:

1. Vehicles should never enter the bus zone when a school bus is picking up or dropping off students.

2. Follow the signs that designate loading and unloading zones.

3. Follow direction arrows. Traffic is only one-way in the parking lots.

4. Only load students from the student loading zones along the red curb in the school parking lot. Yellow diagonal line indicates a no loading area.

5. Please do not double park – either park in a parking stall and retrieve your child or circle the parking lot to get into the loading zone line-up.

6. Be courteous and pull forward in the loading zone rather that making it necessary for cars to parallel park around you. Never leave a parked car unattended in the loading zone – this ties up traffic.

7. Remember that students are not allowed to walk into the parking lot without an adult escort.

School Policy Regarding Bikes, Skateboards and Scooters

Bikes and scooters are allowed at Enterprise, but riders must follow procedures. Students need to enter from the East(Front) entrance and travel around the school on the north to the bike racks or enter from the west and go directly to the bike racks. Students are required to walk their bikes once they arrive on school property. Bikes will be parked at the bike rack located on the west side of the school on the blacktop playground. Students are not allowed near the bikes during the school day. We encourage the use of helmets and bike locks. Students not following procedures may have privileges revoked. Skateboards, roller blades, and shoe skates are not allowed at school.